



These stunning scuole grandi reveal the social history of Venice

The 7 scuole grandi are religious confraternities, which played an important role in the social history of Venice. Their charitable activities included the organization of processions, the distribution of money, food and clothing to...

Take your time to grasp the details of the Clock Tower

Every first time visitor of Venice regards the Clock Tower (Torre dell’Orologio) on Piazza San Marco with admiration. However, very few visitors take the opportunity to visit the Clock Tower, or even to look...

San Marco: 11 surprising facts about the Piazza of Venice

Millions of tourists visit the Piazza San Marco every year. There are however lots of elements which remain hidden for the first time visitor. The impressive square, the stunning basilica, the beautiful Palazzo Ducale...

Insider tips for your first trip to Venice

The most important thing to understand before your first trip to Venice is that the city is completely different from anything you have ever seen and that, most likely, you will want to return...

Palazzo Grimani, an extraordinary Roman palazzo hidden in Venice

I had often admired the narrow façade of Palazzo Grimani on my way to Santa Maria Formosa. The sculptures seem to call you and make you turn your head when you pass the small...

Giudecca: A peaceful island with 10 remarkable buildings

Even though Giudecca lies directly in front of Venice and the vaporetto ride takes only 3 minutes, it is often ignored by visitors. The small island is however perfect to escape the crowds in...

How I prepare my trips to Venice as a frequent visitor

Even though I often travel to Venice, preparing a trip still takes time. I do the practical things, such as booking a flight and a hotel and checking the weather forecast, on automatic pilot....

A short introduction to the complicated history of Venice

In 2021, Venice celebrated its 1600th birthday. Its long history involves numerous intrigues, 120 doges, several oppressors such as Napoleon and Austria, as well as many battles amongst others with the Turks. As it’s...

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